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Pumpkin seed melon germinates in the stomach

10/04 2023

Pumpkin seedlings grow in its belly

N Haidu reporter Guan Mingrong/Tulin Xinrong Intern Zhang Yanwen/Tu

Haidu News Yesterday morning, Aunt Li, who lives in the No. 12 procuratorate dormitory of Pingdong Road, Fuzhou, cut the pumpkin and was surprised to find that the seeds in the belly of the pumpkin had sprouted.

Yesterday morning, Haidu reporter came to Aunt Li's house. The sprouted pumpkin had just been cut open. There were 56 "bean sprout" seedlings in the belly of the pumpkin, about three centimeters long. Aunt Li said that the pumpkin was purchased by the Jin'an River two days ago. It was completely bought and its surface did not crack. After a period of time at home, no deterioration or other abnormalities were found. After cutting, several "bean sprouts" were found entwined, some of which were directly embedded in pumpkin seeds.

Xu stationmaster of economic crop technology station of Fuzhou Agricultural Bureau said that pumpkin seeds germinate in melons is relatively rare. Xu speculated that the dormancy period of this kind of pumpkin seed was relatively short, coupled with the increase of temperature in these two days, there was a large cavity in the pumpkin, there was a certain amount of air, humidity, nutrients were more appropriate, pumpkin seeds had the conditions for germination. Xu said that the sprouted pumpkin meat is likely to deteriorate and is not recommended for public consumption.

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