T5/T6 Type

Size:180-230 counts or any special counts as buyer’s required

361/363 Type

Size:170-230 counts or any special counts as buyer’s required.

Specification & Nutrition Facts


361/363 Type
170-230 counts or any special counts as buyer’s required.
T5/T6 Type
180-230 counts or any special counts as buyer’s required

Nutrition Facts

Each 100g of Sunflower seeds contains 19.1g protein, 43.1g unsaturated fatty acid, 4.5g dietary fiber, 4.5mg niacin, 304.5mg folic acid and 79.09mg vitamin E. It also contains B vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc and so on

Sinflower Seeds Value

Sunflower seeds contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin E and other nutrients, and iron, potassium, manganese and other minerals, can provide nutrients for the body. There are also essential fatty acids such as linolenic acid in sunflower seeds, which also have certain benefits for lowering blood pressure

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